PACE FITNESS WORKOUT is NOT a running skills programme.
It IS an instudio CARDIO fitness workout that is performed at a PACE relevant to the current fitness level of the participant. WALK. JOG. RUN.
There are many ways to build Cardio Fitness including Boxercise, Spinning, Trampoline and Dancersize. These classes do not teach the skills of the sport but include aspects of that sport for fitness training purposes.
PACE workouts are purely to increase cardio fitness levels, alongside strength and endurance in participants and whilst this will definitely enhance any outdoor walk, jog or run, it is not claiming to offer technical training to runners in the sport.

So. Let's talk Technique.
In any fitness class it is vital to understand what is meant by technique and it's importance in guarding against injury.
Clothing is not normally placed in the same category as technique, but poorly chosen, tight fitting and restrictive bodywear, combined with incorrectly fitted shoes that don't protect against impact,
can seriously impair performance.
You are advised to prioritise loose breathable clothing, perhaps layered, so that as the body heats up, items can be removed to allow the air to circulate and keep you cool.
Shoes should be well fitted, laces tucked securely away and the design should protect the joints from impact. Indeed insoles should be a must even when the shoes are of a high quality. In the years to come you will thank yourself for running smart.

The foundation stone of good technique has to be BREATHING.
When you forget to breathe, over breathe, gasp for air, inhale through the mouth, dizzy, lightheaded, disorientated ... it means you are out of oxygen ... and breath MUST be brought under control by using modification to lower the intensity to the point where you CAN breathe in a relaxed and rhythmic pattern, deeply and with controlled breaths.
Without correct breathing technique your body cannot perform the required moves and is basically incapable of thinking about HOW it is performing whilst its focus remains on how to meet the demand for oxygen.
BREATHE in through the nose, out through the mouth.
Oxygen truly is the breath of life.
A major part of good technique involves the joints.
Particular attention needs to be placed on the hips, knees, ankles and lower spine, as these are the weight bearing joints that take almost all the impact. 'Keep the joints soft' is a phrase you will hear throughout your training session . What does it mean ? well, to protect the ankles we need good shoes with additional insoles that reduce or eliminate impact. Good and careful foot placement needs to become second nature.
Knees should be slightly ... bent ... from start to finish of the class, which at first feels a little odd, but eventually you don't even have to think about it, it just happens automatically.
Squats and lunges can damage your knees if you are not watching your body placement.
Constant repetition with the body out of alignment is a disaster waiting to happen. Practice slow squats for technique then keep that line as you speed up.
Hips can be protected by investing in great insoles.
In fact insoles for daily life are also a vital purchase. Walking on concrete pavements in fashion boots and ill fitting expensive trainers does nothing for the future you. So, invest in your tomorrow today.
Everyone seems to have lower back problems these days.
People don't use preventative measures. They, like me, wait for it to happen, then seek out the cure. NO. DO IT NOW. insoles, protective shoes.GET.
Choose low impact high intensity classes and THINK about footfall and soft joints.

We all have a natural range of motion which can be increased by improving relaxation and flexibility.
Your ROM is unique to you and its important to remain conscious of it in any class and view the OVER EXTENSION of your range as a red line you refuse to cross. Bends with the knees turned out can be highly damaging particularly to the less flexible. Back bends should only dip back and not fully aim to arch. CAREFUL is the key word.
Keeping movement WITHIN your ROM or just beyond during your class, protects the joints from overuse and unnecessary wear and tear.
Use it don't abuse it.
Jarring your joints in kicks or overhead arms can cause hairline cracks and scar tissue around the joints.
Learn to kick hard but work the leg so it just misses a full stretch. Same with the arm. Sounds impossible but if you over exaggerate initially, your subconscious learns never to overextend, and it soon becomes second nature.
To cut a long story short. Clothing. Shoes. Insoles. Breathing. Soft joints. Body placement. ROM.
jarring. THINKING. Knowing your workout. COMMON SENSE.
All of these add up to a safe and sustainable training technique that will ensure a LIFELONG PATHWAY to staying fit, healthy and of course ... GLOWING ...
Keep moving. Keep breathing. PACE for life. BREATHE.
