My name is Amber Moreno. An ex professional dancer, who has been teaching dance and fitness
over the past 30 years. I'm ? years old, have 5 children and simply refuse to grow old gracefully.
Indeed growing old disgracefully is key to remaining young strong and alive. Lol.
As an ex professional dancer and qualified fitness instructor, I had always maintained a brilliant level of fitness, which acted as a lifeline throughout all that life has thrown my way.
Nothing can get you through hell in the way a great workout can.
You can handle just about anything when your entire being is in the zone. Without physical fitness, mental health and daily life can become exhausting and debilitating and like dominoes, one push leads to another, until life comes crashing down around you.
For me, fitness like dance became as natural a routine as breathing.
I knew when I was out of zone and needed to step it up. I had an injury free life and dealt with stress and depression through some form of exercise. I remember having to stay in hospital for 3 months whilst having my twins, because of how big my bump got. I managed to maintain a strength and stretch routine throughout, with modifications of course. The twins weighed just over 3kg EACH upon arrival. WOW.
Indeed it's fair to say that I could always pick myself up and dust myself down ... thanks to my fitness level.
I hit ? years of age and felt 30, and on a good day 20.
my body was flexible, strong and I cardio'ed daily, maintaining the ability to participate in and enjoy advanced ballet classes without any issues. UNTIL ... it happened.
A hip injury. And that was it. Ugh.
Well, not an injury per se, but a hip erosion through extensive turnout in dance classes over many years. oh ... and age. hmmmm.
Life changed drastically. Hobble, is how I got around. Pain. EVERYWHERE. Spine, legs, back, it was excruciating and exhausting.
I could barely stand, let alone do any form of training. THIS was like being a bird in a cage. I felt I had died. That an old exhausted and crippled entity had replaced the me i used to be. Jeeeeez. I couldn't even stretch. Now what ?
It took a while. Disbelief and self pity were woven in with the agony.
I had to do something. Waiting for a hip op was a lifetime away, and in the meantime
I was spiralling down to the pit of hell with no way up.
My biggest problem was being able to perform enough cardio exercise to induce the ... buzz ...and so i started out with seated cardio sessions, increasing the intensity over time and yes ...
I began to see a way up out of the darkness.
Improvements and lifeblood began to return. Hope flooded my being until at last I was able to stand throughout, without much footwork, but fireworks in the upper body ...
Don't get me wrong. My hip was not healed, the agony remained, but I just need that ... buzz ...
understanding how vital it was to my health and wellness. It cleared my mind, gave me energy, allowed me to participate in life again. The entity that had taken hold of my body was being slowly eradicated.
I wanted ME back. That cardio BUZZ was my saviour.
It had taken 2 years to see the light, but that 2 years could instead have been spent trapped in a dark pit with not only a raggedy hip, but a myriad of other problems that would have arisen from the domino effect. My hip will not heal itself, but I'll be dammed if I will allow it to destroy my life. So, boy was I excited, seriously buzzing at the improvements I was feeling in every way.
Exercise is a powerful medicine. But Cardio is TRULY the breath of life.
Somewhere along the way, I realised I had developed a full spectrum cardio fitness programme that was actually exhilarating, fun and effective at breathing life into the dead. Lol. Well, into anyone that wants to feel GOOD, GREAT or AMAZING. Or why not all three.
From the unfit to the superfit theres a PACE for YOU.
For those with injuries and weight management issues, there's a start PACE that we can match up to your specific needs, and for EVERYBODY, theres a destination. Remembering throughout YOUR JOURNEY that all you have to do is keep BUZZING and the PACE FITNESS WORKOUT ensures you can do just that.
It's all about that PACE so start your journey today, go ahead and PICK A PACE and ... lets get YOU started ...
