Out of breath, gasping for air ? Don't just die. MODIFY.
MODIFICATION is the KEY to making your workout work FOR you instead of AGAINST you.
Learning to work WITHIN your fitness level instead of straining to keep up with the instructor and the front of the class, is at best a slog and in the worst case scenario quite honestly it's just dangerous.
YOU need to be in control of how hard you work. It's YOUR body.
Pushing yourself is fine but being out of oxygen is simply defeating the object of the exercise and serves no purpose.
An instructor can prompt you to modify at various points throughout the class, but in reality, YOU need to know how to change ANY movement to suit your requirements and utilise the tool of modification throughout your class with each and every move you make.
With MODIFICATION you can make a hard class easy and an easy class hard.
It's a wonderful tool. A gift that puts YOU in control.
A side step can be a wide stride or a short step, and in between the wider and the shorter, theres a whole range of motion that can be explored.
Arms can be taken out altogether for a full intensity decrease. Or, if extending up they can go half way or even lower.
Kick low and build to higher over the weeks. Only do every other kick and walk in between.
Walk smaller. maybe use cold feet so that just the heels are lifting. Just run, jog, walk your way through the entire class ... sometimes less is more.
There are endless combinations of modification. Any movement where intensity can be decreased can also be performed with an increase in intensity simply by exploring your range of motion and finding a comfortable expenditure of effort that is sustainable.

if you are not in control of your breathing, you are out of oxygen. hmmmm.
Think of every movement as a spectrum, wide, wider, widest. high, higher, highest. Think of your breath as a monitor for when to hold back and when you can go full flags flying.
Using up all your energy before you are even halfway through a class is NOT how it's done.
you need to see the first section as a bump in the road. Then come the hills, mountains, with a gradual cool down as you ease into the valley.
If you run the mountain during the warm up and you're gasping for oxygen over the hills then it's not difficult to calculate the outcome. NOT PRETTY.
Regular classes building from 3x per week up to 5/6 ... a DAILY dose. A feasible goal with modification as the key. Making ANY class work for you.
Part of the modification plan comes into play when you use the PICK n MIX and MIX n MATCH
systems that help you work according to your daily needs.
Walk into ANY class with the KEY to MODIFICATION and unlock your full potential. Empower yourself by being in control of your own journey and ultimate destination.
