These whole body, high energy workouts, deliver an explosion of exhilarating and intense cardio, that combines with a dynamic infusion of strength and endurance sequences, to deliver vibrant and challenging classes you are simply going to love.
Easy to follow routines, accompanied by invigorating and motivating music that embraces a range of PACE / bpm, relevant to the level of class you are participating in.

Ensures you are working at a PACE best suited to your current fitness level, whilst aiming to achieve and maintain your goals.

Every class incorporates a warm up and cool down with full body toning, sculpting and shaping sequences interwoven into your workout with a steps per day count that you can record in your PACEBOOK.

Each class delivering a total number of miles / steps dependant on the bpm of the given class and the length of time the workout is performed for.
Mileage/steps per day, week, month, can be built and recorded over the 12 week suggested timeframe, in your
By regular participation, you can expect to see outstanding results.
We highly recommend the Fitbit or Apple watch to monitor your HR and track and record your progress.
From the unfit to the superfit, all ages, genders and sizes ... our classes are open to everybody. IT'S YOU vs YOU 100%.
