We would like to take this moment to WELCOME YOU to the PACE COMMUNITY.
We hope that we can help you to make your journey to wellness, fitness and health an incredible experience that motivates you to maintain your journey for a lifetime.
This is YOUR journey. Only you can point the compass in the right direction. Persistence and consistence will be your most useful tools. We are here to work with you using THE PACE PROGRAMME to take you anywhere you want to go. We recognise that everyone's journey and destination is different. Targets and goals need to reflect that.
Those with injuries and or weight issues may find our PACESIT WORKOUTS offer a pathway that leads back onto the road towards true health and fitness. Please feel free to request information on this more personalised plan.

Maintaining fitness at PACE BRONZE level would be perfect for some. For others it might be PACE SILVER. Then there are those superfit individuals for whom even PACE GOLD is NOT enough and who may require a more personalised approach and would therefore benefit from requesting details of our PACE PLUS programme. The PACE PROGRAMME is flexible, it is designed to fit you perfectly at any level.
We all have ups and downs, good days and bad, when we might normally skip a class for whatever reason. we advise you to take a PACE class a level down rather than skipping completely. It's like PICK n MIX. You dont have to stick to one PACE. Modify by switching up and down. Find your PACE, then work around it to suit YOUR bumps in the road.
It's time to EMBRACE THE PACE OF YOUR OWN JOURNEY. Let's get started.
