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We would like to take this moment to WELCOME you to the PACE FAMILY. We hope that we can help you to make your journey to wellness, fitness and health an incredible experience. An experience that motivates you to maintain your journey for a lifetime.


This is YOUR journey. Only you can point the compass in the right direction. Persistence and consistence will be your most useful tools. We are here to work with you using THE PACE PROGRAMME, which can take you anywhere you want to go. We recognise that everyone's journey and destination is different. Targets and goals need to reflect that. Those with injuries or weight issues may find our PACESIT workouts offer a pathway that leads them back onto the road to health and fitness. You just need to ask for information on this more personalised plan.


Maintaining fitness at PACE BRONZE level is perfect for many people, whilst for others it will be PACE SILVER. Some  may even find that PACE GOLD is NOT enough and so we would advise them to request information on our PACE + workout programme which offers a more tailored workout, directly reflecting their requirements for a greater intensity. THE PACE PROGRAMME is flexible. It is designed to fit you perfectly at any level.


We all have ups and downs, good days and bad, when we might normally skip a class for whatever reason. We advise you to take a class at a PACE a level down rather than skipping completely. It's like PICK n MIX. You dont have to stick to one PACE, modify, by switching up and down. Find your PACE and then work around it to suit YOUR bumps in the road. 


When you become a member, you will be able to access our library of ON DEMAND video which includes live social media classes and access to MIX n MATCH, which enables you to combine classes and create workouts that are 20 /30/ 45 mins duration to match your daily requirements.


Our BLOG section provides all the information of who we are, what we do, when, where and how. Join NOW and introduce yourself on the members forum where you will find like minded PACERS ... Also you might be interested in our NUTRIPACE small steps BIG STRIDES weight management programme that allows you to STOP THE INSANITY and take back control of your body and life.

...See YOU there ... 


 amber Moreno

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          PACE WORKOUT

                         HOW TO MAKE A BOOKING



You can purchase a 3 month PACE WORKOUT PROGRAMME for just £30.

That's 12 weeks worth of unlimited classes, on demand /live/in-studio. Thats it. No other charges or fees. the only stipulations we make are that fees be paid in advance upon booking.



You can purchase a 3 month PACE WORKOUT PROGRAMME for just £40.

That's 12 weeks worth of unlimited classes, on demand /live/in-studio. Thats it. No other charges or fees. the only stipulations we make are that fees be paid in advance upon booking.


You can purchase a 3 month PACE WORKOUT PROGRAMME for just £50.

That's 12 weeks worth of unlimited classes, on demand /live/in-studio. Thats it. No other charges or fees. the only stipulations we make are that fees be paid in advance upon booking.


To ensure our prices remain low, we do not offer discounts or refunds. Once class dates have been booked we cannot reschedule to other dates if the first given date has passed even if unused.


Your first session will be used to ensure that both you and your instructor/pacemaker, can determine that you are working at a PACE best suited to your level of fitness and working to create a plan, that will lead you to your targets and goals, over the 12 week suggested timeframe of the programme.

We look forward to seeing you there...

                 Contact …



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From the unfit to the super-fit, runners and non runners, all ages, genders and sizes, our classes are open to everyone looking to improve and maintain their health and fitness for life. PACE workouts promise to be vibrant, exhilarating, challenging and intense, with invigorating and motivating music and class content being constantly refreshed so that no class is ever the same. With the PACE FITNESS PROGRAMME, there's a PACE for YOU.



All our instructors/pacemakers are fully qualified, holding a level 2/3+ Fitness Certification. Fully insured, DBS checked and hold a certified first aid training certificate.

Our foremost priority is client safety. The key to safety being MODIFICATION. Our instructors teaching and demonstrating modification technique to participants at every level, so ensuring that at any level, YOU hold the keys to tailor any class to fit your requirements, perfectly.

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©2025 by Pace

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